- 0-30 monthly transactions
- 31-50 monthly transactions
- 51-100 montlhy transactions
For more than 100 monthly transactions, or if you wish other arrangements, please contact us for a quotation.
All packages include
1) Daily book keeping
- Updates of all accounting transactions in appropriate income statement and balance sheet accounts.
- Compute any tax liabilities incurred.
- Store all accounting documents and back-up files in a secure location.
- Accounting ledgers are maintained in an English language computer software based on Thai and international accounting standards.
2) Tax reports to Thai authorities
- All required corporate tax reports.
- All personal tax reports for office staff, including expatriate managers and foreign project consultants.
- All tax payments related to the tax reports above.
- All translations into Thai language required for the tax reports.
- Acting as the link between the tax authorities and the client.
3) Financial reports
- Monthly income statement
- Monthly balance sheet
4) Preparation of half-year and full-year audits of the accounts.
5) Advice on matters related to the accounting service.
Please note that the yearly public audit of the accounts is NOT included in this service.